Academic Affairs

Dr. Mark Blegen, Carroll University
Mark Blegen
Provost & Vice-President of Academic Affairs
Welcome to Carroll University! 

At Carroll we truly believe in the power of the liberal arts and professional education for it is at the intersection of knowledge that true learning takes place. Whether you choose to major in theatre, exercise science, animal behavior, business, education, chemistry or any other of our other programs, I promise you that you’ll be engaged by our incredible faculty and the curriculums they’ve created. 
The academic affairs team at Carroll is here to serve your needs. While you may never directly interact with our instructional designers, institutional researchers, and other staff, the work they undertake directly impacts each and every one of you and your learning. I am extremely proud of this team. 
Please explore our website to find more information regarding our academic programs and support services such as the library and learning commons. There are wonderful resources here at Carroll to assist you in your learning, be sure not to miss one!


Provost's Team

Kathy Kramer, Carroll University faculty

Kathy Kramer

Dean, School of Education & Human Services
Headshot of Kareem Muhammad.

Kareem Muhammad

Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Tom Pahnke, Carroll University faculty

Tom Pahnke

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Timothy Sullivan

Dean, Sullivan School of Business and Technology
April Doebert-Fischer, Carroll University faculty

April Doebert-Fischer

Director of Assessment

Alexandra Gruentzel

Interim Director of Library Services
headshot of Ya-Huei Lu.

Ya-Huei Lu

Senior Instructional Designer
Tomek Miaskowski, Carroll University

Tomek Miaskowski

University Registrar and Chief Data Officer
Allison Grabowski, Carroll University

Allison Reeves-Grabowski

Senior Director of Academic Resources
If you have any questions, please contact us at


Panoramic View of campus